Today was a great day for Rachel! She had her first dentist appointment today. The pediatric dentist office was really cool. See the link...
The lady dressed as the tooth fairy was the one who worked with Rachel today.
They had an amazing lobby of toys, and the all the dentist chairs where in a wide open area so no one was locked away in a solitary room. And as the child lays on their back to have their teeth cleaned/examined there is a plasma TV on the ceiling so they can watch cartoons. The people that work there are incredibly nice, Rachel was very doted upon. She did good until the cleaning part. She was shy, but let them take pictures of her teeth and as they counted her teeth, but when it came time to the swabbing she screamed out in fear. They were very patient with her and got through it quickly. She cried, but seemed all better when they gave her a Snow White sticker and Sugar Free lollipop. She got an "A" on her tooth report card. Her teeth were clean and the growth and spacing looked good. Their only conern was her deep overbite....but hey mommy has that too. And then top it all of they have toy room where Rachel was allowed to pick out any toy she wanted. She picked a blue and white bracelet that matched her shirt. :-)
And to make the day even better, we have decided (with great urging from others) to go cold turkey on the potty training. NO MORE DIAPERS OR PULLUPS. That is right she has gone into big girl panties and today was an accident free day! She did great, sat on the potty at home, the dentist and at school. YEAH RACHEL!
1 comment:
what a great experience! Rachel did great! I hate to go to the dentist.... so I am very proud of her.
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