Rachel and Matthew took a road trip to Memphis to see Gran and Granddad while mommy stayed home to work. They had a lot of fun. They went shopping, out to eat, rode a carrousel horse, visited the pumpkin patch, and spent quiet time on the porch swing. I think Fall may become one of Rachel's favorite seasons. She loves pumpkins and associates them with Cinderella, so what will Rachel be for Halloween? Cinderella of course! We took her to our church Fall Festival, she had great fun in the bounce houses, getting a heart painted on her face, twirling glow sticks and riding the pretty pony with a pink glittery mane. She did not want to go home.
Funny story.... Rachel came to me one day and said "mommy, I want a tail." I looked at her and said "little girls do not have tails." In my mind I was envisioning Rachel with a tail like Mickey Mouse. But that all changed when she said..."I want a tail like Ariel!" (envision Rachel as a mermaid now) I laughed and said "but Ariel is a mermaid, her tail is pretend, you are a little girl and you have legs." Thinking that would stop the silliness, Rachel thought for a moment and looked at me and said "no mommy Ariel has both a tail and legs." Where do I go with that one. I just laughed and said "hmmm, I will have to think about that one." So if you ever see a dress up kit for Ariel the Mermaid let me know, we will have to get it :-)
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