Saturday, February 27, 2010


Rachel is all about accessories right now. She likes the belts, jewelry (real not play), matching shoes, tights etc.... I think she will be a huge shoe person, she always asks for new ones. And she is always asking to wear my diamond necklace....ummm I don't think so. I let her wear some of my silver necklaces, but the diamonds and pearls are off limits. I always find her picking up her dad's wedding ring and trying to confiscate it. She is definitely into the bling.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rachels first snow

Rachel is 4 1/2 years old and has now had the pleasure of her first snowfall. She LOVES it, she must have those Iowa bones in her.

Rachel eating the snow, yes it is clean snow.

Hitting Daddy with the snowball she made

Making a snow angel

The Princess Snow-Woman