Rachel has survived her first day of Pre-K and is really looking forward to more. She knows a lot of the kids in her class from last year which has made the transition good. Also, on Thursdays she gets to start the day in her favorite class which is called Motor Lab. It is sort of like PE, but a lot tamer. They have big bouncy balls, a ball pit, trampoline and etc.... She got to go to the library on her first day and of course what book does she pick out???? Beauty and the Beast an older version. She spent Friday practicing her writing skills. She wrote numbers 0-9 and some letters like Z (which is rarely used). And today at lunch she wrote her name completely on her own, it was messy and yet legible all at the same time. She free handed it with a crayon after I wrote her name, she basically copied it. But got all the letters right and in the correct order. That was a first. She seems to like her teachers and was very excited that she was a good girl that day.
The disciplinary rules - The teachers have a yardstick painted green, yellow, and red. Each child has a clothes pin with their name on it. Each child starts on green. If they act up they are given a verbal warning and moved to yellow. If they act up again they move to red and a note is sent home to the parent. Rachel said "I was green all day!" I said "good girl" she then proceeded to say "Well mom, that is just the way it is."