Rachel was so excited to go see Santa, she did a great job waiting in the long line, not messing up her hair, not getting her clothes dirty. Even as she watched other kids laugh, play and cry she just kept saying ....Santa..lap..Santa...lap. So we thought for sure she would enjoy it. Wow we were wrong! She freaked out and froze solid. She would not look at anyone, her eyes were held tightly shut and she just cried. For several days after this event she would not sleep in her own room because....as she stated...."Me scared...Claus" She was just sure he would come to get her. We felt so bad. The nights are getting better, we read and sing before bed and rub her back as she falls asleep. Odd thing is....everytime we see a Santa on t.v or out in public she gets excited and says ... Santa..Lap...Santa...Lap! And we say "absolutely NOT!"