I can't believe I let a month pass before posting again. Rachel has grown so much in the past month. She is in her repetative stage...she tries to repeat everything we do and say. It is not always clear, but she tries very hard. She makes us smile so much. We are entering the discipline stage as she is coming close to 15 months. In the past if she was touching something she was not supposed to we would say "no-no" and slap her hand. Last night Rachel was touching the T.V and she knows she is not allowed too. Her daddy said, "Rachel, that is a no-no" and Rachel stepped away from the T.V and slapped her own hand. We could not help but laugh which is the worst thing you can do when trying to discipline. For the most part she is very obediant, except when it comes to the dog food. Rachel just can not seem to leave it alone. She grabs it by the handfulls and quickly stuffs it in her mouth and then runs off to her room so she won't be caught. Now she goes in her room and shuts the door as if that will keep me out. She also enjoys to play with water outside of her bathtime. She has repeatedly thrown not only her stuffed animals but Sebastians as well in the toilet. So we now shut every door but her bedroom door. And she likes to put her feet in the Sebastians water bowl. I think she will grow to like pedicures. We are looking forward to the holdiays, taking some time off and seeing family. I kind of hope it snows a little bit this winter so she can play. She loves to be outside, maybe next summer she will get a small playground in the back yard....we'll see how much adventure her dad is up for.